27 November 2010 – Radio Cuba Canta con Emiliano Echeverria – KPFA FM
Posted on November 27, 2010Tonight 9pm PST (12 mid EST): Emiliano Echeverria spins his collection of vintage, classic and rare Cuban music recordings, from Danzon to Hip Hop & Regeton Cubano. Featured artists include Bellisario Lopez, Arcano y su Maravillas con los hermanos Orestes y Israel Lopez Cachao, Septeto Los Naranjos, Pachito Alonso y su Kirikir, Irakere, y mucho mas.
The Community Music Calendar at 9:30 pm, with ticket giveaways for the 29th Annual Encuentro Canto Popular, and more.
Produced and hosted by Emiliano Echeverria
Associate producer & broadcast operator: Clay “C-Tone” Leander
Community Calendar produced by Ron Flores
Audio Archive
Listen NOW: Radio Cuba Canta – November 11, 2010
Mp3 Playback (iTunes, WinAmp, Windows Media):
Radio Cuba Canta– Saturday, November 11, 2010
Original Broadcast: Saturday, November 11, 2010
KPFA 94.1 FM – in Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM – Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM – Fresno
KPFA FM live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
more program info:
Radio Cuba Canta broadcasts monthly on KPFA-FM during Con Sabor, a weekly program featuring the best in Salsa, Latin Jazz and Afro-Caribbean music hosted by executive producer Luis Medina.
Categories: Uncategorized
Interesante y de buen gusto, mis felicitaciones.
Desde Lima Perú, un abrazo y que sigan los éxitos.
09.03.2011 01:05